Juniperus 'Spartan' Overview
- Hardiness Zone: 4 - 9
- Height: 15-20 ft
- Spread: 6-7 ft
Size |
Avail |
Price |
3g/30-36"x15" |
12 |
3g/30-36"x15" |
12 |
7g/4-5'x21" |
10 |
7g/4-5'x21" |
10 |
15g / 4-6'x21" |
20 |
B&B / 6-7' |
6 |
B&B / 8-10' |
10 |
- Possibly the most popular of all the upright Junipers
- Dark green foliage throughout year
- Good for windbreaks and privacy screens
Season of Interest (Foliage)