Average Water Varieties

We carry 570 plants that match your search request. We've included all matches below. Click on any plant to learn additional details.

Ornamental Onion
Shadblow Serviceberry
Allegheny Serviceberry
Threadleaf Blue Star
Butterfly Milkweed
White Wood Aster
Spotted Japanese Laurel
Chinese Ground Orchid
Appalachian Sedge
Pennsylvania Sedge
European Hornbeam Fastigiate
Pyramidal European Hornbeam
Caroliniana Hornbeam
Blue Atlas Cedar (Glauca Group)
Cedar of Lebanon
Prostrate Japanese plum yew
Atlantic White Cedar
Chinese Fringetree
Sweet Autumn Clematis
Japanese Cleyera
threadleaf coreopsis
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Cherokee Chief Flowering Dogwood
Chinese Dogwood or Kousa Dogwood
Corneliancherry Dogwood
Red-osier Dogwood
Purple Smoke Tree
Rock Spray Cotoneaster
Thornless Washington Hawthorne
Washington Hawthorn
Dwarf Globe Japanese Cedar
Dwarf White-tipped Japanese Cedar
Radicans Japanese Cryptomeria
Granny's Ringlets Japanese Cedar
Yoshino Japanese Cryptomeria
Slender Deutzia
Fern-Leaf Bleeding Heart
Pale Purple Coneflower
Thorny Silver Berry
Rattlesnake Master
Sweet Woodruff
Kentucky Coffeetree
Vernal Witch Hazel
Willow Leaf Sunflower Hybrid
Hosta, Plantain Lily
Carissa Chinese Holly
Fine Line Chinese Holly
Possumhaw Holly
Winter Gold (FML) Winterberry
Virginia Holly
Striped Japanese Iris
Virginia Sweetspire
Japanese Garden Juniper
Carousel Mountain Laurel
Sweetbay Magnolia
Hybrid Saucer Magnolia
Leatherleaf Mahonia
Sargent Crabapple
Virginia bluebell
Spotted Beebalm
Northern Bayberry
Mexican Feather Grass
Narrow-Leaf Sundrops
Bartzella Itoh Peony
Bitter Switchgrass
Foxglove Beardtounge
Norway Spruce
Weeping Norway Spruce
Skyland's Caucasian Spruce
Colorado Spruce
Colorado Blue Spruce
Dwarf Globe Colorado Blue Spruce
Dwarf Globe Colorado Blue Spruce
Swiss Mountain Pine
Eastern White Pine
Loblolly Pine
American Planetree
White Flowering Cherry
Purpleleaf Sand Cherry
Appalachian Mountain Mint
Swamp White Oak
Southern Red Oak
Staghorn Sumac
Ornamental Raspberry
Cutleaf Coneflower
Butcher's Broom
Strawberry Geranium
Hens and Chicks
Japanese Snowbell
Brazilian Verbena
Smooth Witherod Viburnum
American Highbush Cranberry
Japanese Zelkova