Deer Resistant Varieties

We carry 879 plants that match your search request. We've included all matches below. Click on any plant to learn additional details.

Bear's Breeches
Dissectum Japanese Maple
Dissectum Japanese Maple
Dwarf Golden Variegated Sweet
Ornamental Onion
Ornamental Onion
Blue Star Flower
Threadleaf Blue Star
Shining Blue Star
Butterfly Milkweed
White Wood Aster
Flat Topped White Aster
Wintergreen Barberry
American Boxwood
White American Beauty Berry
Japanese Beauty Berry Bush
Appalachian Sedge
Gray's Sedge
European Hornbeam Fastigiate
Northern Catalpa
Cedar of Lebanon
Prostrate Japanese plum yew
Sweet Autumn Clematis
Japanese Cleyera
threadleaf coreopsis
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Corneliancherry Dogwood
Washington Hawthorn
Dwarf Globe Japanese Cedar
Dwarf White-tipped Japanese Cedar
Radicans Japanese Cryptomeria
Granny's Ringlets Japanese Cedar
Yoshino Japanese Cryptomeria
Burkwood's Scotch Broom
Ice Plant-Purple
Slender Deutzia
Fern-Leaf Bleeding Heart
Old Fashion Bleeding Heart
Pale Purple Coneflower
Yellow Coneflower
Purple Coneflower
Thorny Silver Berry
Japanese Forest Grass
Stinking Hellebore
Burford Chinese Holly
Carissa Chinese Holly
Dwarf Burford Chinese Holly
Fine Line Chinese Holly
Needlepoint Chinese Holly
Rotunda Chinese Holly
Possumhaw Holly
Shamrock Inkberry Holly
Greenleaf American Holly
Mary Nell Holly
Dwarf Crested Iris
Striped Japanese Iris
Southern Blue Flag
Japanese Garden Juniper
Carousel Mountain Laurel
Sweetbay Magnolia
Hybrid Saucer Magnolia
Spotted Beebalm
Southern waxmyrtle
Don's Dwarf Southern Wax Myrtle
Dwarf Southern Bayberry
Northern Bayberry
Narrow-Leaf Sundrops
Fragrant Tea Olive
Variegated Japanese Spurge
Bartzella Itoh Peony
Foxglove Beardtounge
Moss phlox/Creeping phlox
Dwarf Garden Phlox
Norway Spruce
Weeping Norway Spruce
Skyland's Caucasian Spruce
Colorado Spruce
Colorado Blue Spruce
Swiss Mountain Pine
Japanese White Pine
Eastern White Pine
Dwarf White Pine
Weeping white pine
Loblolly Pine
Japanese Black Pine
Dwarf Japanese Black Pine
American Planetree
White Flowering Cherry
Appalachian Mountain Mint
Hoary Mountain Mint
Short-Toothed Mountain Mint
Hairy Mountain Mint
Virginia Mountain Mint
Cutleaf Coneflower
Lyre-leaf Sage
Confused Sweet Box
Fragrant Sweet Box
Bridal Wreath Spirea
Brazilian Verbena
Upland Ironweed
Old Fashion Snowball Bush
Variegated Mound Lily